1.) Learn how your team like to work best, what is their preferred communication style, behavioural style and how do they like to be led. There are 'how we work' templates to support you with this, as well as individualised management questionnaires. I recommend disc or platinum rule to help your employees understand their style better. Tony Robbins hosts an easy to use assessment.
2.) Have a Sales Playbook on offer customised for your business - a quick and easy go-to-guide, which displays your sales process step by step.
3.) Pair your rep up with a buddy - this buddy can be their go-to for any company questions and support them, according to HBR every new hire needs an onboarding buddy.
4.) Offer a structured onboarding process, that includes thorough training on the company, the products, the sales process and the customer - include actionable items like role-plays, a test on knowledge so far and also a pitch/demo example
5.) Take advantage of the latest technology that offers Sales reps live on the go coaching advice to support your team when and where they need coaching most especially during that crucial ramp up time