1. Help Centre
  2. Package Upgrade

How to upgrade your package for more users

Thank you for reaching out to enquire how to upgrade your software for more users.

The easiest way is to log a request with our customer support representative via our chatbot, who will upgrade you based upon the amount of users you'd like to add.

Alternatively if you hit the 'me'  icon Image result for me iconin your app and click on the 'increase user icon' Image result for increase user iconthere will be an option here to add more users to you account. You will automatically be debited for this amount. 

Please note if you'd like to change over the billing details, hit the 'me' icon Image result for me icon and click the dollar cionImage result for dollar icon. You will have an option here to add Image result for plus icon another credit card and complete card details.

If you still require support, please reach out to our team via our friendly chat option on our homepage www.thecoachonthego

I hope you have found this article helpful, thank you for visiting!